Colloque annuel des étudiants des cycles supérieus de l’EABS, Jérusalem du 27 au 29 mars 2023

The Graduate Symposium 2023

The EABS is pleased to announce that the fifteenth annual graduate symposium will take place at the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem, Israel on March 27–29, 2023.

Following the symposium, participants will have the opportunity to participate in two days of post conference tours of the Holy Land. All graduate students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral researchers are invited to present on topics in their area of research including: Hebrew Bible, the ancient Near East, Biblical Archaeology, New Testament, Early Christianity, Rabbinics, Patristics, and any other relevant cognate areas. The presentation must be done in the format of a paper.

Candidates should submit their abstracts and/or posters of no more than 300 words to by 11:59 pm (CET) on December 12, 2022. Please do not forget to include your name, university affiliation, and email address in the abstract. Failure to do so will result in automatic rejection of your paper.

Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of scholars who will provide feedback for the development of your research. Non-EABS members are also encouraged to submit abstracts; however, they must be a member at the time of presentation. The one-year student membership for is €10. Membership entitles you to all student benefits, including monthly Junior Researcher’s Meetings, the student newsletter, and access to the 24/7 online research portal. The goal of the symposium is to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for the development of research and to encourage authors to submit them to research seminars for the 2023 EABS Annual Conference. 

Pricing and accomodation 

Registration for the 2023 Graduate Symposium is 20€. The symposium is in person only. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the symposium as well as the cost of their accommodations. A limited number of accommodations are available at the Albright Institute and additional rooms are made available at a neighboring hotel.
The 2023 symposium will include some exciting events, including a Welcome Dinner, which will take place the first night of the symposium. The meeting will close with an optional 2-day post conference tour. We will not only be exploring the ancient city of Jerusalem but will take an incredible excursion to the Dead Sea area (including Qumran, Ein Gedi, Masada, and a dip in the Dead Sea). The cost of the optional 2-day tour will be roughly 180€ and will include transportation to sites, entrance fees, and an archaeologist who will be serving as our tour guide.

EABS Student Prize and annual meeting in Syracuse

Doctoral students are also encouraged to enter the EABS Student Prize by submitting their papers for evaluation after the symposium. Please note that only papers presented at the EABS Annual Conference are eligible for the Student Prize which is typically awarded at the opening ceremony of the Annual Conference. The 2023 annual conference will be held in Syracuse, Sicily from July 10–13, 2023.

Please also see the call for papers details here and our official flyer.