Le lundi 30 janvier, le mardi 31 janvier et le mercredi 1er février, le colloque intitulé « Ashkenazi Jews in Italy during the Long Renaissance (15th-17th centirues): New Perspectives on History and Culture » aura lieu à Pisa au Centre des congrès Le Benedettine.
Pour suivre le colloque en ligne veuillez écrire à l’adresse suivante mafalda.toniazzi@cise.unipi.it
Lundi 30 janvier
Opening and Institutional Greetings
Riccardo Zucchi, Rector of the University of Pisa
Maurizio Gabbrielli, President of the Jewish Community of Pisa
Alessandra Veronese (University of Pisa), Introductory lecture
Ashkenazi Jews in the Archives I
Chair: Mafalda Toniazzi (University of Pisa)
Renata Segre (Independent Scholar), Mestre e la Terra Santa: due temi di storia ebraica/Mestre and the Holy Land: Two Themes of Jewish History
Angela Möschter (Independent Scholar), The Jews of Treviso in the 15th Century: Examples for New Concepts of Space and Culture Lunch
Ashkenazi Jews in the Archives II
Chair: Mafalda Toniazzi (University of Pisa)
Rachele Scuro (Ca’ Foscary University of Venice), The Ashkenazim in Venice and the Venetian State (15th-16th centuries): from the Terraferma to the Capital
Pierre Savy (Université Gustave Eiffel), Manno and his Relatives: an Ashkenazi Success Story in Renaissance Italy
Coffee Break
‘Italo-Ashkenazi’ Jews in the Italian Peninsula and Abroad
Chair: Serena Di Nepi (Sapienza University of Rome)
Rainer Barzen (University of Münster), Jews from Ashkenaz or Ashkenazi Jews? Self-Designation and Self-Perception of Jews from the German Lands in Medieval and Early Modern Italy
Giacomo Corazzol (CNRS-IRHT, Paris), The Influence of Ashkenazi Immigration and Halakhic Culture in Late Medieval and Early-Modern Candia
Alexandre Beider (Independent Scholar), Names Used by Ashkenazic Jews in Italy during the Renaissance
Mardi 31 janvier
The Languages and Literature of Ashkenazi Jewry in Italy
Chair: Serena Grazzini (University of Pisa)
Michael Ryzhik (Bar-Ilan University), Yiddish Lemmata in Elye Bokher’s HaTishbi and David de’ Pomis’Tsemah David
Claudia Rosenzweig (Bar-Ilan University), Additions to the Catalogue ‘Yiddish in Italia’
Coffee Break
Halakhah and Minhag
Chair: Rav Riccardo Di Segni
Edward Fram (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva), Ashkenazic Self-Identity in Italy: Evidence from a Sixteenth-Century Yiddish Legal Handbook
Avriel Bar-Levav (The Open University of Israel), From Italy to Ashkenaz: The Case of Jewish Deathbed Literature
Ashkenazi Culture
Chair: Fabrizio Franceschini (University of Pisa)
Omer Ahituv (Bar-Ilan University), The Manuscript Ginzburg 109 by Menakhem Olderdorf as a Window into Italian Ashkenazi Culture
Rav Riccardo Di Segni, Genes, Genius, and Blood in Ashkenazi Communities
Avery Gosfield (Independent Scholar), A Musical Look at the Yiddish Poems in Ms. Canonici Or. 12
Coffee Break
17.30– 18.30
Keynote Lecture
Chair: Claudia Rosenzweig (Bar-Ilan University)
Lucia Raspe (Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute, University of Duisburg-Essen), The German-Jewish Emigration to Fifteenth-Century Italy and its Impact on the Ashkenazic Canon in Print
Mercredi 1 février
Ashkenazi Jews and Print Culture in Early Modern Europe
Chair: Alessandra Veronese (University of Pisa)
Olga Sixtová (Charles University, Prague), The Italian Connection. New Printers Appearing in Prague around 1600 and the Goods They Smuggled
Andrea Schatz (King’s College, London), Ashkenazic Trajectories: Reading Farissol’s Orhot ‘olam in Kraków and Prague
Pavel Sládek (Charles University, Prague), Repeated Editions as an Indicator of Cultural Change, Progress and Stagnation: Italy and the North (1550–1630)
Coffee Break
11.30– 13.00
Round Table
In the Afternoon: Jewish Pisa Tour (Cemetery, Synagogue, Historical places)